Article 18215

Title of the article



Mitko Olga Aleksandrovna, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of commerce and logistics, Rostov State Economic University (69 B. Sadovaya street, Rostov-on-Don, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. In the distribution of grain crops, agricultural producers face high transportation costs on the grain products. Grain producers often ship it to nearby elevators or to those they have long-lasting cooperation with. Herewith, it is not always possible to carry out the calculation of logistics costs, resulting in the transport
component being a significant factor in the total logistics costs at realization of grain resources. Participants of the organizational process of railway transportation often have to deal with a lack of cumulative elevators, the presence of which would allow to ship grain throughout the year, regardless of the seasonal factor. To increase the traffic and reduce the cost of transport services it is necessary to develop a logistics supply chain for grain products and to organize routing and group transportation of grain products in the export and domestic lines.
Materials and methods. The research task was achieved on the basis of the analysis of the grain transportation chain from a train station (or port) to a direct consumer, requiring specialized vehicles, as the grain is hygroscopic and requires special shipping conditions. The author analyzed the legislation on certain rules of grain transportation in grain vans in bulk, bulk packing in universal cars. 
Results. The situation on the grain market, considered in the work, demonstrates the need for the application of the principles of logistics in organization of grain products transportation, and the use of such modern directions of economic development as distribution logistics allows to take into account the sectoral specifics of production and transportation.
Conclusions. Establishment of the logistics system for grain distribution allows to find the most optimal path of distribution of produced crops and to significantly reduce the infrastructure and transaction costs, and to increase the quality and speed of loading-unloading works, which will increase the profit of grain market participant, due to the expansion of sales volumes of grain and improvement of logistics services quality at all stages of the logistics chain.

Key words

grain, logistics, transportation, market, railway transport, water transport, road transport, carriage, port, transport and logistics system.

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Дата создания: 10.10.2015 13:59
Дата обновления: 12.10.2015 08:16